2.3 Dynamic Game Engine

Economic Regulation Driven by Reinforcement Learning

  • Real-time Regulation Mechanism:Leveraging reinforcement learning algorithms, the Dynamic Game Engine can monitor various economic indicators within the ecosystem in real-time, such as NFT output, token liquidity, and inflation parameters. The system continuously adjusts strategies based on real-time data to achieve a dynamic balance between market supply and demand and economic rules.

  • Adaptive Economic Model:Within the game engine, each economic decision is automatically optimized based on feedback from the environment. By simulating different economic scenarios, the system can predict potential risks and adjust economic parameters in advance to avoid inflationary spirals and market imbalances.

  • Decentralized Governance:The Dynamic Game Engine relies not only on algorithmic decision-making but also integrates with DAO governance mechanisms, allowing players and the community to participate in the formulation and adjustment of economic rules, forming a fair and transparent governance structure.

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